The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG), the UK’s leading voice for riders’ rights, is looking forward to driving the agenda for riders’ rights in 2020: here’s how.
MAG is gearing up to a new year of activities defending riders’ rights and contributing to the decision-making process at national and local governmental levels.
Selina Lavender, the Chair of MAG, stated that whilst there had been substantial challenges during 2019, MAG’s personnel are refreshed and ready to work just as hard during 2020. “We have engaged with Local Authorities, Government and Transport for London, to name only a few, to represent motorcycling and the positive contribution it brings to the table.
We have already contacted both new and returned MPs following December’s General Election and look forward to working with them on behalf of motorcycling and riders’ rights throughout the year ahead.”
MAG will continue to engage with Government and Local Authorities wherever a need to protect riders’ rights is identified and looks forward to building on the relationships forged during the past year and developing new ones too.
MAG invites riders, dealers, mechanics and manufacturers to join MAG and help create a united voice for the common good of the riding community.
Contact MAG at 01926 844 064 or